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Air BnB

A new year! Projects are finishing and more projects are underway. This particular project is a house that will be used as an Air BnB property and its on a really nice plot of land with a beautiful view of the lake behind it. More photos will be coming upon completion. We've had to deal with a lot of BS due to the incompetence of the guy that is doing all of the other work here, but none-the-less, its been a great learning experience and a wonderful project for Striker Electric. It took way longer than it should've but that's how it goes sometimes. That's the only thing about doing some of these private jobs like this, is that there isn't a General Contractor, so it causes some issues, especially when you're working with people that have trouble communicating. Communication is key!! Without communication, a jobsite can turn into a real nightmare. That's just the nature of the beast. We are grateful for the opportunities that present themselves and we will just continue to perform our work to the highest degree!

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